SWM Empanelment

Suchitwa Mission Welcomes Private Entrepreneurs for Collaboration in Kerala's Waste Management Sector

Suchitwa Mission is actively seeking to engage private entrepreneurs in the waste management sector of Kerala, opening up opportunities through various service categories. Interested entrepreneurs can apply in one of the following categories:

  1. Empanelment for Experienced Entrepreneurs: If you have a proven track record in waste management, you can apply for empanelment to collaborate with Suchitwa Mission.
  2. Technical Guidance and Collaboration Facilitation with Local Bodies for Prospective Investors: Entrepreneurs looking for technical support and collaboration opportunities with Local bodies can apply under this  category.
  3. Swiss Challenge for Entrepreneurs with Innovative Ideas: If you have innovative waste management ideas, you can participate in the Swiss Challenge to showcase your solutions.

To apply, download the Expression of Interest (EoI) document for any/more of the following sectors. Ensure that your application is submitted in both hard copy to Suchitwa Mission and soft copy to sanitationkerala@gmail.com. Clearly mention the chosen category in your application for proper consideration.

*Take advantage of this opportunity to contribute towards waste management initiatives in Kerala and be part of the positive environmental change.

Areas of Empanelment

1) Biodegradable Waste

  1. Household/ Community/ Institutional Level Facility Provider
  2. Biodegradable Waste Management in DBO model
  3. Inoculum production/supply

2)Non-Biodegradable Waste

  1. Collection of Household Hazardous Waste/ Sanitary Waste/ Hair Waste/ C&D Waste
  2. Processing of Sanitary waste/ Domestic bio medical waste/ Recyclable plastic waste/ Hair waste/ Construction and demolition (C&D) waste/ Electronic waste (E waste)/ Non-recyclable rejects in DBO model
  3. Plastic Marine litter prevention/removal


        a. Gas Crematorium